Geography Syllabus

Geography Syllabus and Some PYQs

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In this post of “Geography Syllabus”, we will discuss about the Syllabus of Geography for Prelims and Mains, UPSC Geography Trend Analysis for Prelims and Mains, Some Previous Years UPSC Geography Questions for Prelims and Mains etc.

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Syllabus for UPSC Prelims (Geography):

  • Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of India and the World.

Syllabus for UPSC Mains (Geography):

  • Salient features of the world’s physical geography.
  • Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).
  • Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, Cyclone, etc., geographical features and their location changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.
Geography Prelims Trend Analysis 2011-2023
Geography Mains Trend Analysis 2013-2023
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Q1. The jet aircrafts fly very easily and smoothly in the lower stratosphere. What could be the appropriate explanation? (2011)
1. There are no clouds or water vapour in the lower stratosphere.
2. There are no vertical winds in the lower stratosphere.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct in this context?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q2. Consider the following crops of India: (2012)
1. Groundnut
2. Sesamum
3. Pearl Millet

Which of the above is/are predominantly rainfed crop/crops?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

Q3. Variations in the length of daytime and night-time from season to season are due to (2013)
a) the earth’s rotation on its axis
b) the earth’s revolution round the sun in an elliptical manner
c) latitudinal position of the place
d) revolution of the earth on a tilted axis

Q4. The seasonal reversal of winds is the typical characteristic of (2014)
a) Equatorial climate
b) Mediterranean climate
c) Monsoon climate
d) All of the above climates

Q5. Tides occur in the oceans and seas due to which among the following? (2015)
1. Gravitational force of the Sun
2. Gravitational force of the Moon
3. Centrifugal force of the Earth

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

Q6. Which of the following is/are tributary / tributaries of Brahmaputra? (2016)
1. Dibang
2. Kameng
3. Lohit

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3

Q7. Consider the following statements: (2017)
1. In India, the Himalayas. are spread over five states only.
2. Western Ghats are spread over five states only.
3. Pulicat Lake is spread over two states only.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 3 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1 and 3 only

Q8. Consider the following statements: (2018)
1. The Barren Island volcano is an active volcano located in the Indian territory.
2. Barren Island lies about 140 km east of Great Nicobar.
3. The last time the Barren Island volcano erupted was in 1991 and it has remained inactive since then.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 only
d) 1 and 3

Q9. On 21st June, the Sun (2019)
a) does not set below the horizon at the Arctic Circle.
b) does not set below the horizon at the Antarctic Circle.
c) shines vertically overhead at noon on the Equator.
d) shines vertically overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn.

Q10. Siachen Glacier is situated to the (2020)
a) East of Aksai Chin
b) East of Leh
c) North of Gilgit
d) North of Nubra Valley

Q11. Consider the following rivers: (2021)
1. Brahmani
2. Nagavali
3. Subarnarekha
4. Vamsadhara

Which of the above rise from the Eastern Ghats?
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 4
c) 3 and 4
d) 1 and 3

Q12. Consider the following pairs: (2022)

Peak and Mountains

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 3
d) 3 only

Q13. Consider the following pairs: (2023)

Port well known as

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
a) Only one pair
b) Only two pairs
c) Only three pairs
d) None of the pairs

Q1. Major hot deserts in the northern hemisphere are located between 20-30 deg N latitudes and on the western side of the continents. Why? (Answer in 200 Words) [10 Marks] (2013)

Q2. Tropical cyclones are largely confined to South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mexico. Why? (Answer in 250 Words) [10 Marks] (2014)

Q3. Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing and navigation? (Answer in 250 Words) [12.5 Marks] (2015)

Q4. “The Himalayas are highly prone to landslides.” Discuss the cause and suggest suitable measures of mitigation. (Answer in 200 Words) [12.5 Marks] (2016)

Q5. What characteristics can be assigned to monsoon climate that succeeds in feeding more than 50 percent of the world population residing in Monsoon Asia? (Answer in 250 Words) [15 Marks] (2017)

Q6. Defining blue revolution, explain the problems and strategies for pisciculture development in India. (Answer in 250 Words) [15 Marks] (2018)

Q7. What is water stress ? How and why does it differ regionally in India? (Answer in 250 Words) [15 Marks] (2019)

Q8. The process of decertification does not have climatic boundaries. Justify with examples. (Answer in 150 Words) [10 Marks] (2020)

Q9. How do the melting of the Arctic ice and glaciers of the Antarctic differently affect the weather patterns and human activities on the Earth? Explain. (Answer in 250 Words) [15 Marks] (2021)

Q10. Troposphere is a very significant atmospheric layer that determines weather processes. How? (Answer in 250 Words) [15 Marks] (2022)

Q11. Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region? (Answer in 150 Words) [10 Marks] (2023)

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